Apply for a job in Denmark with Swedish unemployment benefits
If you are interested in moving across Öresund and applying for a job in Denmark, you can apply for permission to export your Swedish unemployment benefits for up to three months.
This information is for EU-citizens only |
Apply for permission to export your Swedish unemployment benefits when applying for a job in Denmark
Based on the EU’s rules about the free movement of labour and a common labour market, it is possible to remain with an unemployment fund in one country and export your unemployment benefits when applying for work in another country for a limited period of time. To apply for such permission, you need to fill in a U2 form, which you can find on the website of the Swedish Unemployment Insurance Inspectorate (IAF).
IAF - apply for a job in Europe with a U2 certificate
Conditions for exporting your Swedish unemployment benefits when looking for work in Denmark
- You must be a citizen of an EU or EEA country
- As a general rule, you must be unemployed and have been registered as full-time unemployed with the Swedish Public Employment Service for at least four weeks.
- You are entitled to unemployment benefits
More information about the conditions are available on the IAF’s website.
Please note that if you do not find a job, you must move back to Sweden and register with the Public Employment Service before the end of the period, or you will risk losing your right to further benefits from the unemployment fund.
Remember! If you are a cross-border worker and contact an unemployment fund in Sweden or Denmark, you should ask to talk to their EU case handler.
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