Member of a Danish a-kasse - if you work in Denmark
If you live in Sweden and start working in Denmark, and want to be unemployment insured, you should become a member of an a-kasse (unemployment insurance fund) in Denmark. It is important that you sign up for a Danish a-kasse on your first working day.
If you live in Sweden and begin working in Denmark, and want to be unemployment insured, you should become a member of an a-kasse (unemployment insurance fund) in Denmark. It is important that you sign up for a Danish a-kasse on your first working day, even if you are already a member of a Swedish a-kasse. This is because there shouldn't be any gap in membership when changing. If your employment is terminated, you should join a Swedish a-kassa, and again it is important that there is no gap in your memberships. Every a-kasse have a designated EU-case worker whom you can contact if you have any questions.
If you are working in other countries as well, other rules apply. In that case, contact the EU office of the Försäkringskassen (Swedish Social Insurance Agency) to check which country's social and unemployment insurance you come under.
Please contact Øresunddirekt for more information.
If you get laid-off from your job in Denmark
If you become unemployed, Sweden, as your country of residence, will handle your application for benefits. You should register with Arbetsförmedlingen (the Swedish unemployment office) on your first day of unemployment. To receive income-related compensation, you must apply for membership to a Swedish a-kasse on your first day of unemployment. This must be done in writing using a form, which can be found on the a-kasse organisation's website. It is important that there is no gap in membership when you change from a Danish a-kasse to a Swedish one.
Please send your written admission application to the Swedish a-kasse immediately when your employment in Denmark ceases. On your application, you should write that you were a cross-border worker (gränsarbetare). It is also important that your application is sent to the correct a-kasse.
Contacting the correct a-kasse in Sweden
It is important that you apply for admission to the right a-kasse, if you apply to the wrong a-kasse, you may have a gap in your membership, which could lead to negative economic consequences. You should apply for membership to the Swedish a-kasse whose area best corresponds the job you had in Denmark. The exception is the Alfa-kassen, which is open to all professions. The list of the Swedish a-kasse (unemployment insurance funds) can be found on If you are unsure about which a-kasse that suits you, you can always call an a-kasse organisation and ask.
Prepare your application in advance if you know you are going to become unemployed. You can usually find information about which forms you need on the a-kasse organisation's website. Follow the instructions on the forms and check the information you provide carefully, otherwise it may take longer to get your unemployment benefit.
You need a certificate called "PD U1" from your Danish a-kasse. You get the application form for this from Styrelsen for Arbejdsmarked og Rekruttering (STAR). If you were not a member of a Danish a-kasse you can also get the certificate through STAR. If you need help with getting the certificate, the Swedish a-kasse can help you.
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